Saturday, May 9, 2009

Explorer report

coord 44.27282 -78.67419 alt 754.5ft spd0.0mph hdg 0.0 tmp 45f 3.956v dbm -98.37 snr 5550 With regards, the Explorer


  1. It's alive!! UP! UP! :)

    The picture itself is an awesome piece of art :)

  2. The batteries took a "big" hit, 0.2V between updates? Looks like the wind took the Explorer into a tree on the side of the road.

    The last "blank" update reminds me of the time we forgot to connect the camera. The picture insertion went very wrong and the rest of the email didn't get typed.

    Nighttime soon, so it'll fill us in with SMS'es if someone finds it or it moves again.

  3. Haha, Denis, you're right that picture is a very interesting piece! The JPEG artifacts along with the motion / low light blur make it look like brush strokes.

  4. I think it's about 3 feet above the ground covered with grass...
